Manim Editor Overview#

The Manim Editor is a tool for post-processing animations generated via Manim.

Animating technical concepts is traditionally pretty tedious since it can be difficult to make the animations precise enough to convey them accurately. Manim uses Python to generate animations programmatically, making it possible to specify exactly how each one should run.

—The Manim Documentation

The Manim Editor offers two main functions:

  • Reliable web presentations.

  • Automated video editing (not yet implemented).


If you want to test the presentation output of the Manim Editor without having to install anything, take a look at the example.

If you don’t know how to use Manim, it’s documentation is where you should start. Come back once you’ve familiarised yourself with the core concepts.

Main Idea#

The Manim Editor is using the Manim Section API. It allows the separation of a scene into multiple sections. In addition to that it optionally stores names and types for each section. Manim only supports the type DefaultSectionType.NORMAL out of the box. The Manim Editor defines more types, which define how a section should be played in the presentation. They are described here.

One or more sections build a slide. They are equivalent to slides from PowerPoint and can be shown individually. Multiple slides (possibly build out of sections from different Manim scenes) build one project that can be presented as a whole. A Manim Editor project is a directory that will house everything needed to present a project. More on that here.


The Section API is a new feature of Manim v0.12.0; thus you can’t use any older versions than that.