
Just as Manim the Manim Editor is a Python package on PyPi. If you know what you’re doing, simply install it using pip. But make sure that FFmpeg is accessible through the ffmpeg command.

First you have to install Manim and ensure that it functions on your system.


On Windows it is recommended to use the manual installation as it simplifies the installation of the Manim Editor later on.

Once your Python environment is functioning and populated with Manim and its requirements you can run this command:

python -m pip install manim-editor

Now the Manim Editor is accessible through the terminal via manim_editor or manedit.

If you’ve gotten stuck and don’t know what to do, feel free to ask on the Manim Discord Server or open an Issue on GitHub. (The latter is preferred.)

Working with The Manim Editor#

Now you should be able to use the Manim Editor. Now you can get started with the Manim Editor.